Saturday, July 20, 2019

Technology Assisted Reproduction Essays -- Research Reproduction Essay

Technology Assisted Reproduction Introduction Reproduction is fundamental for the perpetuation of a species and therefore is a trait all species possess. Human reproduction is usually not viewed in this context. Extinction of humans is not considered a threat, but the ability to reproduce is an issue of meeting social expectations. Psychologist Dr. Helen Fisher states that society tends to pressure women into feeling that motherhood is their sole connection to being female (Rutter, 1996). Likewise, men are influenced by society into feeling that they need to perform their part by "planting the seed" (Rutter, 1996). Fisher's insight may only represent parts of the reason humans feel the need to reproduce. However, it is evident that the ability to conceive a child is an important issue for most married couples. Unfortunately, complications occur when couples are infertile. Recent developments in reproductive technology have provided alternative methods of reproduction that can greatly enhance an infertile couple's chances of conc eiving. However, there are ethical and legal issues that accompany the use of these reproductive technologies. It is the responsibility of everyone, especially Christians, to become informed of the options reproductive technology can provide as well as the legal and ethical issues involved with their use before taking appropriate action. Background Beginning at puberty, the human male makes millions of sperm a day and continues to do so for about the next 50 years. On the other hand, the human female is born with approximately one million eggs, which are all that she will ever have (Infertility, 1996). The onset of menstruation during adolescence signals the beginning of a cycle in which hormo... births soar with popularity of fertility drugs." Discovery. (September 24, 1998). Nelson, J.B. (1973). Human Medicine: ethical perspectives on new medical issues. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House. "Reproductive Medicines." (1998). Organon. (September 23, 1998). "Reproductive Technology." (1996). Better Health and Medical.,1349,178-496-488,00.htm. (September 23, 1998). Rutter, V. T. (1996, March). "Who stole fertility?" Psychology Today. pp. 46-49. Thomasma, D. C. & Kushman, T. Eds. (1996). Birth to Death. New York: Cambridge University Press. Youngkin, Dr. (1997). "Fertility Drugs." Texas Medical Association. (September 24, 1998).

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